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My Summer So Far.

Writer's picture: TT TruongTT Truong

Updated: Mar 31, 2022

Sorry for no picture on this post... As a person who takes so many pictures, this summer hasn't been filled with much so that's my bad.

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog. If this is your first time here hello! Anyone who knows me knows I don't like to share a lot of things about my life but I do like to talk a lot… doesn’t make sense right? I never really understood that either if I’m being honest.

But during my last week of school, I had a few people come up to me and tell me that they really liked my blog and they would read my really long entries. I don't do a lot of promoting this website to anybody, it was more of a way for me to express myself but the fact that I don't go out of my way to share this blog and people still read it means a lot.

As of now, I'm still not that comfortable making it too public (There was a moment when I decided to link this site on my Instagram but it’s been taken down since because I got too nervous) but if you're here that means you're probably from my private story and that's a place that I will share this blog… but very low-key of course.

Thank you to all of those who have subscribed so you'll get a notification every time I post, it truly means a lot. But anyways, sorry I've been gone for a while, but a lot has happened since my last post and because of it, I've been so busy. But I’ll just jump straight to it.

Let's start in May, well first off I got to go to my senior prom this year and that was one of the most exciting things for me. I feel like a lot of girls growing up dream of going to prom and after Covid last year I truly didn't think that luck was going to be on my side but I'm so glad that it was. It wasn't like your traditional prom but not gonna lie it didn't feel that far off and I had so much fun with all my friends and it’s one event I'm going to remember forever.

After prom though, my days started to get REALLY hectic. My school has a thing called the physics fair and the day of the fair was June 1 and while we had a few weeks to get ready and start working on the project, my group and I were SO far behind.

During the last week of May, my three friends and I decided to really grind on this project and spent about 40+ hours that entire week together. We spent late nights, VERY early mornings, and missed countless plans to get it done. Now looking back at it, I don't really know what to think of this project. it gave me the worst stress in my life but at the same time, it was so comforting spending time with my friends and bonding through such a shitty project together.

But Before the week of the physics fair we had spent a lot of time on it and then when the fair came, we woke up at 4 AM to finish our last bit of the project… just to have the project break and go through a tremendous amount of issues. We then brought our project in and the entire time we have been working on it, our project had successfully worked once and that wasn't when the judges were looking at it… but regardless he felt bad and gave us 100% on it and it was all worth it at the end.

This was just the beginning of my summer. School hadn’t even ended yet but that last week of school changed everything for me so I’m counting it as summer.

Because of the physics fair and all the newfound friendships that were created, school finally became bearable and I was always out with my friends having fun. What I think kicked off the summer, was the day before the last day of school. Our grade was planning some senior pranks for the last day of school and one of the pranks involved TPing the school at night and doing a bunch of other random things. It worked out pretty well for the most part until cops and the janitors started to arrive and we all had to dip. But during that night I felt so alive, my friends and I tried to TP from the back of the school and we had gone around the entire night driving in my friend’s topless jeep, and from that moment I felt like the main character as cliche as that sounds.

We spent the duration of the night driving around and then ultimately ending up at an elementary school. My friends and I sat in the parking lot and talked about our lives for a bit and then went home at 2 AM. Keep in mind that we still had school the next day but it was all worth it in the end, and the best part? My parents didn’t question why I went home so late. I went on with my day and went to school that early morning and I felt bitter-sweet going to my classes knowing that this was the last time I was going to be a student here but at the same time was very excited to be done.

I remembered walking into my math class, and all the kids in there started clapping because I was graduating and it was my last day. It was super cute and definitely a memory I’ll remember. But then they brought me to this conclusion where you spend years going to school and you'll have certain classes with certain people and at the time you might not think much of it, but when it's the end of it all, you are very thankful for the memories you shared whether it's with your friends or with people you don't talk to you, or even the random table mates you meet in your classes. You always remember it, at least I did.

For those next few days, I was spending late nights hanging out with friends before graduation and when that day came it flew by. I remembered the day of graduation I was really bitter-sweet about it all and that this is something I've been waiting for my entire life and it really did all end in the blink of an eye and it’s something we take for granted until we realize it’s too late.

But anyway, it is currently July 29 right now and I feel like this is crucial to add because as you're reading this, I just talked about the week before June 1 and some important memories that I had during that time and now I'm completely skipping everything in between and talking about the current time which is now. Just like this post that's how my life has felt in the past month: extremely fast-paced.

It's only been over a month yet it feels like I've been living a whole year. And even now I realize that in a month my friends and I are going to be parting for college. During this month I've had so much fun with my OG friends and my new friends and I didn't think my life would get any more chaotic than it did. I have a very big friend group and then we started joining in with another big friend group to hang out with now and then and that was the start of our time together. When I think about it it's chaotic, stressful, but overall very fun and I'm very thankful to have so many friends now… more than ever.

The common question that gets brought up to me is that why did we find each other so late? Why out of all these years of high school we chose to be friends now? As sad as that sounds all I gotta say is physics fair changed my life and I never thought I'd say that in 1 million years. Life sure has a pretty funny way of showing you life lessons and I feel like this is one of them. People come into your life at certain times for a reason, maybe we were never meant to be friends beforehand or maybe this was all by pure luck, but regardless it still has you thinking.

But I'm not gonna act like my summers been extremely stress-free. There's been a lot of drama, and a lot of big factors that have made my summer pretty unsatisfying. I won't go in too deep about this because I don't think people really wanna hear that type of stuff and I’m not one to share that stuff about myself either so I won't dwell on it. But all I gotta say is, life is so so weird.

The reason why I won’t go into too much detail about my summer is mainly because a lot has happened this month. But I will give you a brief overview, I’ve spent lots of sleepless nights, lots of binging anime, lots of volleyball, constant hangouts, constant trips to the thrift store, to dealing with drama, going out to eat, having chill hangouts to then chaotic ones and so much more.

Ideally from any point of view, you must be thinking this might be the ideal summer, and quite frankly since it hasn't really ended I can't determine if this was an ideal one or not. Everything is up in the air for now, but till then all we can do is wait and see.

If you’ve made it this far, you’re going to wonder what is the purpose of this blog? What am I trying to get out here? And quite frankly I don't really know what I'm trying to get out of either but this blog post is like the equivalent of my summer right now which is very chaotic and unorganized and I never liked that but when you’re left with such little time, you don’t have a choice but to accept it.

But like always, check up on your friends, continue living your life and always remember to have fun because time is so limited. - Sincerely, TT


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